DHA-profile-Pro Donna P. Hope

Donna P. Hope (BA- UWI, MPhil.- UWI, PhD – George Mason) is Professor of Culture, Gender and Society at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus, Jamaica and Founder of the Dancehall Archive and Research Initiative.

She is the former Director of the Institute of Caribbean Studies (2012-2015), and was the Program Chair of the inaugural Global Reggae Conference in 2008, subsequently organizing and chairing International Reggae Conferences at the University of the West Indies, Mona in 2010, 2013 and 2015.

Bertland Hope is an IT Consultant with over fifteen (15) years of experience and training in Computer Science including Database Management, Software Programming and Website and Graphics Design. He holds the BA in Computer Science from the University of the West Indies, Mona and a Diploma in Website Design and Software Programming from the Caribbean Institute of Technology. Mr. Hope is Co-Founder of the Dancehall Archive and Research Initiative and Consultant and Designer for the DHA’s website and associated networks.

Nickesha Dawkins completed her BA, M.Phil. and Ph.D degrees in Linguistics at the University of the West Indies, Mona. She lectured in the Department of Language Linguistics and Philosophy on the Mona Campus for 8 years.

She is a currently a Lecturer in Linguistics in the Department of Language, Linguistics and Literature at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill, Barbados. Dr. Dawkins has hands-on training in speech analysis software such as PRAAT. Her doctoral research examined how gender, identity and style may account for the phonological…

Tanya Francis holds a BA in Literatures in English and MSc in Government (Political Science) from the University of the West Indies, Mona.

Her research has covered ICTs in the Caribbean, tourism in Jamaica, SMEs, Dancehall culture and Labour market needs of Jamaica

With over 15 years’ experience in research and career development she continues to embrace a variety of interconnected areas in her work including Career development, research, student services and Jamaican culture. As such, Ms. Francis is currently pursuing…

Patrick Helber studied History and Political Science in Tübingen and Dublin, and completed his PhD in 2014 in Modern and Contemporary History in Heidelberg. He lives in Berlin and is the moderator of a radio program on Caribbean popular culture, among other activities. His research interests include Caribbean popular culture and dancehall culture.

Dr. Helber is the author of the book Dancehall und Homophobie. Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf die Geschichte und Kultur Jamaikas (2015) and Co-editor of Caribbean Food Cultures.

Jose Miguel Aponte is a researcher, producer and selector, and one of the leaders of the Black Inity Crew since 2006. The Black Inity Crew is a team of researchers, producers, selectors who specialise in Jamaican music and its influence in Latin America which became the main reference point for Reggae and Dancehall in Caracas, Venezuela. Jose has also worked as researcher, producer and broadcaster for two years with the popular and very critical Venezuelan radio program Desde El Ghetto (From the Ghetto)…